Preventing Suicide Through Voluntary Firearms Purchase Delay Act
Donna’s Law is a groundbreaking new suicide prevention legislation has already been adopted by three states and could save lives in our state without infringing on the Second Amendment.
Washington State, Utah and Virginia have already passed Donna’s Law, legislation that allows people who fear they may become suicidal to put themselves on a voluntary, confidential self-registry to prevent the impulsive purchase of a gun. Donna’s Law enables people who are prone to suicidal ideation to take a step to protect themselves before it’s too late. The legislation allows applicants to opt into an FBI national registry that does not interfere with Second Amendment rights and is revocable. The waiting period to be removed from the registry varies, but in Washington State the applicant can be removed after seven days. Washington State law says police must destroy the paperwork upon termination of the waiver, and the applicant's use of Donna's Law cannot be used in any court proceedings.
The data shows that guns are the most common and most lethal means of suicide. Suicides represent the vast majority of gun deaths. Now, our state has the opportunity and the responsibility to pass legislation that both reduces gun suicides and respects gun owners’ rights.
I hope we can be the next state to adopt and implement this innovative new suicide prevention tool.
Endorsing organizations include the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the National Education Association, and Suicide Awareness Voices of Education.
Please take action to save lives by empowering vulnerable citizens in our state to protect themselves from impulsive gun purchases. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you to save lives in our state with this critical legislation.
Thank you!