Preventing Suicide Through Voluntary Firearms Purchase Delay Act

Self Defense Against Suicide
Donna's Law is a voluntary self-registry prohibition to gun sales for those who choose to create self defense against gun suicide. If one chooses to reverse their registration, they would be given a waiting period of a couple weeks.
On June 26th, 2018, Donna Nathan used her iPhone to search “gun stores New Orleans.” She then drove from her home to a nearby gun store. Despite her recent voluntary inpatient mental health stays, in just minutes she was able to purchase the only gun she would ever own. She paid for the gun and a box of bullets, drove to the Tree of Life in Audubon Park, and shot herself.
Without any barriers to purchase firearms, many people are at high risk of doing the same.
While this won't prevent every suicide, it could have prevented many others. Please support empowering those who know they are safer without guns to voluntarily give up their ability to purchase guns. This will save lives.

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Louisiana, USA